Worship Times
Sundays - 10 a.m.
Wednesdays - 6 p.m. (Advent & Lent)
Christmas Eve 2024 -- 7 p.m.
Worship at Good Shepherd is grounded and open, relavant to today and rooted in ancient tradtion. When you arrive to worship, you may find a prelude happening on piano, people chatting, or sometimes a quieter gathering of folks just getting through their first mug of caffeine. You'll be given an order of service, so there are no surprises and you'll have something to take home if you wish. In worship, every week we:
Sing -- whether from a hymnal or contemporary songs, music is the langues of the Spirit and song is a part of how we gather. Where else do you get together and 'make a joyful noise' in community every week?
Listen -- for words of inspiration from ancient scripture, hopeful that the God we hear about there is the same God who is active in the word, now. So we listen for a word of hope, of direction, of grace.
Pray -- As a way to connect to the Spirit among and within us, we lift our prayers in many ways -- in offering, in petition, intercession, in silence. Prayer is an opportunity to pause and find communion with our ground of being.
Commune -- with the bread and cup, we are reminded of God's embodied grace which we then carry with us into our weeks.
What's a Sermon?
Each week there is some form of engagement with scripture, whether that be through a spoken message or through a grounded faith practice. Either way, this is about 10 - 15 minutes of the service. Just enough, we hope, to send you away with something meaningful to thing to inspire your week and enrich your faith journey.
Miss a week, or want a preview of preaching at Good Shepherd? Weekly audio of sermons can be accessed here.
At Good Shepgherd, all are invited to receive the bread and wine of communion. You do not need to be a member of this church or baptized Lutheran. The learning is in the doing -- and often we can come to understand the meaning of a ritual by doing it. So please, come! This is Christ’s table, and the gifts of grace are freely given.
Logistically: Communion is received by intinction, taking the bread and then dipping it into the grape juice or wine. All of our bread is gluten free. For children, communion is given at the discretion of their parents or guardians, or a blessing may be received.
Small Humans
Children are not only welcomed but celebrated at Good Shepherd, and are encouraged to be fully themselves at worship – wiggling, playing, nursing, snacking, dancing, and making their needs known. If a place is needed to burn off more steam than the sanctuary permits, a nursery is provided on the northeast side of the building.
Parking is avaible to the East and North of Good Shepherd's building. Just up the street Unite Mental Health services has opened up their parking to Good Shepherd during worhsip times. To park there, simply come into the building for a Unite Parking permit to display in your dash.