About Good Shepherd


Since 1960, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry has served the MTU and surrounding community through the ministry of Word, sacrament, and service.  Good Shepherd is one of the over 9,000 churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and is part of the Northern Great Lakes Area Synod. We work in close partnership with other ELCA churches in the Copper Country in youth ministry and service to our community, and welcome ecumenical/interfaith partnerships and dialogue through Keweenaw Faiths United

Our values are rooted in grace, authentic community, and the way of Jesus. At Good Shepherd we strive to love God and love people, practiing the radical hospitality inspired by the Spirit of Christ alive among us today. 

We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. 

There is a place for you at Good Shepherd. 

Diversity & Inclusion at GSLC & LCM

Good Shepherd Lutheran & Lutheran Campus Ministry have been Reconciling In Christ since 2006. 

We love because God first loved us

- 1 John 4:19  

God created a world with astonishing variety, and in our human diversity, we reflect God’s beauty. Without the affirmed presence of all people, especially the historically marginalized, our potential to embody God’s love to the world as a community is diminished.

People of all ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, educational backgrounds, marital status, physical or mental ability, theological perspective, and economic conditions share the sacred identity that comes from being children of God. All people are not only welcome in the worshiping community of Good Shepherd but invited into the life and leadership of our ministry together

We confess that as individuals, a community, and institutional church we too often have failed to answer the call to attend to the most vulnerable. We commit to embracing the work of anti-racism, social and economic justice, and environmental care. As did Jesus in his earthly life, we of Good Shepherd commit to the practice of radical hospitality. 

There is a place for you here.


Rev. Sarah Semmler Smith, pastor

I am overjoyed to have the privilege of serving Good Shepherd Lutheran & Lutheran Campus Ministry. Ordained for fourteen years, this is my third church and second campus ministry. I have a passion for interfaith dialogue, talking all things theology, and building community through service. I am also working on a masters in Mindfulness-based Transpersonal Counseling and enjoy exploring the intersection of mindfulness, spirituality and prayer. 

On the homefront, I love to do yoga, travel, cook, and hang out with my two daughters and husband, Brahm. 

I would look foward to getting to know you, whether for worship, campus ministry, or pastoral counseling. Please reach out.


Kyra Anderson, office administrator

If you have questions,  Kyra might have the answer! 

T/W/Th, 9 am. - 2 p.m. or reach her at


How to find us:

1100 College Ave, Houghton, MI 49931 

office (at) goodshepherd906.org


You can find more information about past and future events at Good Shepherd on our Facebook page
