
Lutheran Campus Ministry

Lutheran Campus Ministry exists to feed students -- mind, body, and spirit. If you are a college student or young adult looking for spiritual community, we invite you to come be a part of this grounded, authentic, and welcoming adventure called LCM. 

Youth and Children

Good Shepherd Lutheran is not just a campus ministry; it is an active, intergenerational community of people invested in following the ways of Jesus, sharing care with their community, and advocacy. There is a place for people of all ages among the community and you do not have to have any sort of  official 'member' status to be a part. 

What do we offer family's with youth and children?  A community.  And this can make all the difference. 

See the Youth and Children page for more information.  


Good Shepherd currently offers two sitting meditation opportunities, open to both beginners and those with experience in mindfulness practices. See our Meditation page for more information! 

For more information contact Sarah:

For more information contact Joyce:

Habitat for Humanity

Good Shepherd covenants with Copper Country Habitat for Humanity to commit financial and human resources in the following ways: